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Sorry Disney, MAL is the Happiest Place on Earth

By Rodney Burger

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Mr. MAL 2025 MAL Photos

On January 12th, while military troops rehearsed outside for an inauguration parade, Mr. Virginia Leather 2024 Jason Elliott was selected Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2025 in front of a packed, standing-room-only ballroom at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill during the 40th annual MAL Contest. Mr. Pittsburgh Leather Bear 2025 Andrew C. Jacobsen (aka Sassquatch) was selected first runner-up and the second run-up was awarded to Mr. Connecticut Leather 2025 Devonta’ Thomas (aka Mr. Loves A Lot). Also competing For Mr. MAL 2025 were Boy Luis, from Memphis, Tennessee, Mr. NC. Triangle Leather 2024 Richard Smoot, Mr. Leather Sir Tom Productions 2025 DoctorNick, Tank DC, from Alexandria, Virginia, and Mr. Rehoboth Beach Leather 2024 William Gestole. (When contestants lined up on stage, it was noted that there was no number four. One contestant had to remove himself prior to the weekend.)

The eight contestants for Mr. MAL 2025 faced an amazing judging panel that included International Mr. Leather 2024 Jamal Herrera-O’Malley (Alpha Pup Savage), Mr. Eagle Wilton Manors 2024 Steven Crespo (1st runner-up IML 2024), Mr. Leather Norway 2022 Georg Luschgy, International Community Bootblack 2017 Sir John Urso, Mister Fetish Gran Canaria 2023 Norbert Gisinger-Daubenberger, Miss Glamorous 2024 Sassy Devine, and Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2024 Fire Daddy Ken. Tally Masters were Mr. Cleveland Leather 2023 Matt Fuerst and Mr. Eagle NYC 2024 Eric Holland. President of Leather Boys of Color Alpha Boy Noble served as Judges’ Boy.

Although MAL officially started on Friday, January 10th, many leather folks started arriving on Thursday. Let’s face it, with horrific events from New Orleans to LA, the new year is off to a bad start. Add in the fear of the coming presidential administration and it felt like everyone just wanted to escape the real world, if only for a weekend. At Disney there is so much to do that one just can’t ride all the rides. Well, MAL 2025 had the same feeling. There were countless parties and events. The suite party hosted by Potomac MC at 8pm on Friday evening was so popular that even charging $20 to get in the door did not keep to crowds down. By 8:15 the room was already filled to capacity with hotel staff telling folks that they could not form a line in the hallway. The ONYX Mid-Atlantic suite was also packed with their famous punch flowing all evening.

Cruella de Vil would have been happy Saturday morning as the annual puppy mosh filled a hotel ballroom with wall-to-wall puppies and for the Marvel crowd there was a super hero meet-up. For those looking ahead to Chicago in May, a press conference was held to announce this year’s International Mr. Leather judges. One announced judge, Tom of Finland Foundation cofounder and first runner-up at the first IML Contest Durk Dehner was removed from the panel after a few hours due to public outrage in the community after pictures surfaced of him wearing Nazi symbols. People were also buzzing about a new Eagle set to open in DC, District Eagle at 1357 U Street, NW.

There were no complaints about the spirited ONYX fashion show and fundraiser on Saturday afternoon and my award for most enjoyable cocktail party at MAL 2025 goes to Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2009 Kip Hollar who hosted what was not only a fun party with lots of snacks and cute young bartenders, but a fundraiser to help Kip battle against cancer.

Saturday evening brought the biggest cocktail party of the weekend as the Centaur MC presented Leather Cocktails. I always call it the leather social event of the season and once again I was not disappointed. Open bar, a diverse array of food, towering floral arrangements, and a ballroom full of leather folks dressed in their finest gave me some much-needed hope for the new year. The Mid-Atlantic Uniform league (MAUL) hosted a cocktail party afterwards.

After brunch on Sunday, the MAL contest was held with contestants competing in bar-ware, physique, formal leather, and each provided an answer to a fun question based on the contestant’s application. Questions ranged from: How do you keep from getting bored on a long drive, if you had a dinner date with one judge what would you serve and what would happen, and as a baker what would you make for MAL Weekend? The contest was emceed for the 30th time by Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 1993 Frank Nowicki assisted by Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2020-2021 David Spivey. Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather 2024 Fire Daddy Ken gave a very emotional step-down speech describing the homophobia he endured working for the fire department. There was also a very sexy rendition of Grand Funk Railroad’s “The Locomotion” performed by Sassy Devine that brought down the house.

Four official large dance parties produced by Kinetic were held around town. With one each evening, everyone had a blast. Not only did they provide great music, there were also play zones and performances by porn stars and Cirque du Soleil like acts.

I may be a little old to party all night for four nights, (at my age my safe word is “ambulance.”), but Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend had something for everyone. The large leather mart alone is worth the trip to DC. It may not be Disney World, but when I left, I felt like I had been to the happiest place on earth.